Garnet is the month of January Birthstone.
Here are some facts we love about Garnet:
- One of the most notable characteristics of Garnet is its ability to heal and purify. It has been used to reduce and eliminate toxins in the body, as well as purifying the blood and vital organs.
- Aside from health properties, Garnet is also considered to be a lucky stone in success, love, and goals by promoting self-empowerment, inspiring lasting relationships, and balancing energy.
- Often times, Garnet is used to achieve emotional stability, which makes it a great stone for meditation. And it protects against nightmares and night terrors too.
- Garnet is typically known to be deep red in color, but in fact, it can be found in a variety of colors (such as pink, orange, green, deep brown, and purple) and each has its unique spiritual properties.